Dental disease is one of the most common medical conditions seen by veterinarians.
Few pets show obvious signs of dental disease. It is up to the pet's family and veterinarian to uncover this hidden and often painful condition.
At the Mississippi Mills Animal Hospital our veterinarians will do a thorough examination of your pet's mouth to look for signs of periodontal disease, such as gingivitis (inflammation or infection of the tissues around the tooth), tartar, loose or abscessed teeth, and/or other abnormalities. In more severe cases, a dental cleaning may be recommended. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves a thorough dental evaluation as well as dental scaling and polishing. If a tooth is diseased it may require extraction (removal). Often dental radiographs are required to examine the root of a suspect tooth and to check the health of the surrounding tooth roots.
While your pet is under general anesthesia, he/she is constantly monitored by a dedicated technician as well as electronic anesthetic monitoring equipment. Your pet will be intubated, hooked up to inhalant anesthetic and oxygen, and supported by intravenous fluids throughout the procedure.
A home dental care program is important for all pets; this includes regular (daily) tooth brushing. Your veterinarian will provide you with detailed instructions on how to brush or rinse your pet's teeth. Special dental foods, treats, and chews are also an important part of proper home care and should be used to help keep your pet's teeth and mouth healthy.
**The picture shows a dog's canine tooth being hand-scaled.**